Saturday, September 29, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007

I always say that a missionary's job is to help people become dependent upon the Lord. What do you think about this?

Friday, June 22, 2007

I received this note from reader on my Web Page. What would be your reply? Please send me your comments:
I think missions like yours are responsible for the destruction of tribal cultures around the world. You divide the young against the old by ridiculing or smearing the old traditional ways and religions. By trying to christianise everything the church has destoyed the valuble cultural diversity of many countries. In many areas this extinction of cultural values has hastened westernisation and enviromental destruction. If you were true to your secondary aim you would just help this vulnerable people without trying to convert them. I will not leave my email because of the risk of fundamentalists taking reprisals because my view is different to theirs. Surley the church should concentrate of working in the Uk to get believers here because the churches are empty these days. Please leave a message to me via your guest book as I will look back in a few days.

Question #1: Many people think that when a missionary returned to their native land in order to report to supporting churches it is a vacation. What are your comments?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

This will be a Blog that we can share ideas and pass on information concerning our work in Mozambique, Africa. Let us hear from you. Question: How can we better communicate with the "Outside World"?

PS. Jaynie is eating big, fat, juicy termites which come out at the first rains around November-December, yum yum